ISA Affiliation
CCSA Complete ISA Rules
Surfing Contest Judging
a. Introduction: Judging panel protocols and Rosters
i. Where practicable not more than one judge from any given country is to be on any judging panel at the same time. This does not include the Head Judge of each podium or the ISA appointed judges. The Head Judge will manage this situation. ii. Where two podiums operate during the event, the judging panel must be rotated between podiums and also its makeup must periodically be varied, but still balanced with experience. No panels or locations are to be constant during ISA events. This is the responsibility of the Head Judge and Contest Director. iii. The podium / event Head Judge[s] responsibility is to manage the judging panel selected by the ISA and maximize its performance. To this end recommendations can be made over performance matters involving judges, but the final decision on the makeup of the panel at any particular time stands with the ISA Technical Committee, Contest Director and the event Technical Director. The Head Judge will individually mentor judges in areas of identified weaknesses, will work with the panel to set heat standard waves at the beginning of heats, will describe waves if required in terms of general categories [poor, fair, average, good, excellent], will complete missed waves, will manage the general conduct of the judging process on their podium. All actions in this area by the Head Judge will be monitored by the ISA Contest Director. iv. Contest Director and Head Judges are responsible for selecting the appropriate judging panel for finals events. v. Video and Replay: A video service with replay will be provided for ISA major events. This service will include a cameraman with experience and software able to nominate, find and replay any wave at any time. An LCD or Plasma Screen will be available in a position that all the judges and HJ can see for reference as required. This setup will operated in BOTH podiums. vi. Daily Judges Meetings post contest: Every day, after the last heat, the HJ will conduct a small meeting replaying and commenting on the waves and situations that occurred during the day. Open discussion of the daily judging performance at this time will highlight comparisons, standards, criteria and process to be followed for the next day’s heats. Attendance at such meetings is mandatory for all Head Judges, Judges, Technical Director and Contest Director.
Management of the Panel by the HEAD JUDGE – In the case of the WSG / WJSC / WMSC and other ISA Events: – To set up a meeting of the Judges on the day before the event begins. – This should be done in consultation with the Contest Director and Host Country. Such meeting will be for the purpose of instruction, standardization of procedures and methods as well as the setting up a series of Judging Trials during which the Judges’ ability will be tested and evaluated. The Head Judge is empowered to convene a meeting of all Judges at any time of the contest. The ISA Rule Book –1 December 2018 32 purpose of these meetings will be to update Judges on any changes, and to point out any recurring errors so as to improve performance. It is normal to hold a meeting at the day’s start for the judging panel on each respective podium, and then conclude the day with a review meeting immediately after the final heat. These meetings are chaired by the podium head judge and are aimed specifically at performance and critical onsite coping processes for the judges. – Judges whose ability is found to be substandard in the opinion of the Head Judge and Contest Director will be removed from the Judging panel and will not be permitted to judge during the event. – The Head Judge will organize the remaining Judges into Judging Panels so that Judges will only judge a maximum of three consecutive heats. – The Head Judge will frequently scrutinize the Judges’ sheets and will identify those Judges who do not maintain an acceptable judging standard including of
the evaluation of interferences. He will report these Judges to the Contest Director and a decision will be taken whether to drop the Judge or not. – While heats are in progress the Head Judge will scrutinize Judges’ score sheets to ensure the maintenance of uniform standards between one heat and the next and the use by the Judges of the full range of scoring options. In addition, although the Head Judge will ensure that the interference rule is fairly and consistently applied, the Head Judge will not interfere with any judges’ independent decision in this regard. If the need should arise to inform a Judge that his standards are not compatible with the other of Judges, such action would only be taken by the Head Judge between the end of one heat and the commencement of the next heat or at the end of the day. – The Head Judge may not give guidelines on what points or scores judges should allocate to waves ridden by any surfer and may not influence any judge on the panel to alter a score or change a decision. There will be instances during a heat where a judge or judges will not see all or any of a surfers ride. In this case an M must be inserted and the Head judge will nominate an average score for that ride based on previous scoring rides and correct scores from other judges. The Head Judge’s role is not to influence the scoring by judges, but rather to coach, mentor, supervise, control and coordinate. The Head Judge is there to ensure the smooth running of each heat. – The Head Judge will be responsible for maintaining a wave count record for each heat and ensuring that colors are adequately identified for the judges. – The wave count may be done by the spotter. – It is the Head Judges’ responsibility to attempt to notify any surfer who has been interfered with, that he/she has an extra wave. Notification will be made on the public address (PA) system. The onus is on the surfer to monitor his/her own wave count. – Judges will all receive certificates of participation but will not be ranked (i.e. first to fourth) nor will they receive Trophies
Judging Criteria i. Shortboard Surfing
“The surfer must perform radical controlled manoeuvres in the critical sections of a wave with speed, power and flow. Innovative/Progressive surfing as well as the Combination and Variety of Repertoire (of MAJOR manoeuvres) will also be taken into consideration when rewarding points for a surfers performance. The surfer who performs to the criteria above, exhibiting the maximum Degree of Difficulty and Commitment on the waves shall maximize his/her scoring potential.”
Longboard Surfing – The longboard surfer must perform controlled traditional maneuvers with the highest degree of difficulty in the most critical sections of the wave to gain the highest score. Judges will reward the performance with reference to style and flow, visual appeal, commitment, variety of maneuvers and use of the entire board, speed and power. Nose riding, trimming and footwork will be important elements in the Judges decision-making. – NOTE: It’s important to note that the emphasis of certain elements is contingent upon the location and the conditions on the day, as well as changes of conditions during the day. – Variety highlights the need to present different types of manoeuvres on the one ISA Rule Book –1 December 2018 33 wave, combination refers to the choice of manoeuvres and the order they are done and also the mix chosen indicate the rider’s skill. – Speed, style and flow highlights the way the wave is presented and the manner in which the rider is able to link the moves together. Cross stepping out of and into turns and nose rides, carving drop knee turns and extended nose rides with weight directly over the tip are all indications of the quality of style and flow in traditional surfing.
Special Priority Rules
The Contest Director/Head Judge have the option to conduct the event using a 3 or 4 surfer priority rule as described below [ix] or to only use the TPI Rule [vii] above. – The 3-4 surfer priority rule will negate the need for the TPI. a. Resurf due to Incorrect Interference Calls – If some, or all, of the surfers in the heat already have their places mathematically decided, even in the case of an incorrect call, these surfers will NOT participate in a re-surf. In other words, re-surfs should only involve the surfers that have their results affected. – If the simple correction of the incorrect interference call due to an incorrect priority call is enough to correct the situation, without possible changes, there will NOT be a re-surf. – If a re-surf does occur, it shall start from the time in the heat when the official mistake happened. The wrong call will be corrected, correct priority will be established, previous scores up to that time will be kept, and the re-surf between the surfers involved will happen using the remaining time on the clock.
2 Surfer Heat Priority – Once the first wave has been ridden at the start of the heat, the second surfer gets automatic priority for any other wave they choose, unless the surfer rides the wave before the heat starts. If this happens then that wave will not count and the remaining surfer will get automatic first priority – From then on the only way to establish wave priority is by paddling into the Primary Take-off Zone. The first surfer to enter the primary take-off zone has first wave priority and second priority is allocated to the other surfer once they have entered the primary take-off zone. – If no surfer has wave priority, no discs are shown and the normal non-priority interference rule will apply. – In 2 person priority heats a surfer cannot lose second priority by paddling for a wave and missing it as long as they remain in the Primary Takeoff Zone. If the surfer catches the wave and their hands leave the rails, as they attempt to stand, they lose second priority. – Allocation is based on whom the Priority Judge believes has reached the Primary Take-off zone first. In cases where both surfers appear to reach the primary take-off zone at the same time priority will go to the surfer who did not have the last priority. – Under priority allocation it is the surfer’s responsibility to continually check the priority disc for verification. – When there is no priority, the normal non-priority interference rules shall determine wave possession. With or without priority, both surfers may ride the wave in opposite directions and be scored provided they do not interfere the ISA Rule Book –1 December 2018 37 scoring potential of both or either surfer.
3 & 4 Surfer Heat Priority – A priority system can be used in 4 or 3 person heats, whereby riders establish priority by being the first to reach, the Primary Takeoff Zone under direction of the Head Judge. – Where surfers reach the line-up at the same time, priority will go to the surfer who did not have the last priority. – The Head Judge (or Priority Judge) will determine who has priority in heats and may consult with the judging panel for close calls. This priority will be indicated by changing the colours of the priority discs, lights, blocks, or flags to coincide with the colours of the competition vest worn by the riders who have priority. – The priority discs, lights, blocks, or flags must be situated at one end of the judging area where it is clearly visible by the competitors of the heat in progress. It must be easily accessible so that it may be changed immediately as priority changes, either by or under direction of the Head Judge (Priority Judge).
At the start of a heat when multiple riders have not established a priority order, there will be no priority between these riders and normal interference rules will apply. These riders without priority may paddle for waves without losing priority. – Once a ride has been caught then all the remaining riders without priority are still under a non-priority situation with normal interference rules, and the first rider will move to fourth priority when returning to the Primary Takeoff Zone. The three riders without waves have no priority amongst each other, but they have a higher priority over the first rider with fourth priority. The riders without priority may paddle for waves without losing priority. – Once the second ride has been caught then all the remaining riders without priority are still under a non-priority situation, but the first rider will move to third priority and the second rider will move to fourth priority when returning to the Primary Takeoff Zone. The riders without priority may paddle for waves without losing priority. – Once the third ride has been caught then the remaining rider without a ridden wave will gain automatic first priority. The third rider will move to fourth priority when returning to the Primary Takeoff Zone, the second rider will move to third priority, and the first rider will move to second priority. – The rider with first priority has ultimate wave possession, but if they paddle for a wave with the intent to catch it and they miss it then they will move to last priority. – A competitor loses wave priority as soon as they catch a wave or paddle for a wave with the intent to catch it. This loss of priority is determined by the head judge or priority judge and can be defined as gaining momentum on a wave by either catching or paddling for and missing. In this case, priority reverts to the next competitor in priority order if priority had already been established. Then the riders in the remaining priority order all move up one place and the rider that lost first priority automatically gets fourth priority. – If no competitors have priority, no priority discs are indicated and the normal non-priority interference rules will determine right of way. These rules will apply until priority is re-established. – When a rider with first priority paddles for and misses a wave, the other riders will get automatic first, second and third priority if they held priority at the time. If this second priority rider then paddles for and also misses the same wave, both riders (in this situation) will be deemed to have lost priority, regardless of there having been insufficient time to change the priority disc. The rider in first priority will go to third and the rider that was holding second will go to fourth pushing the original third and fourth into the new first and second priority. – The rider with first priority must not position themself to deliberately block the other competitors from catching a waves or they will lose priority. – Similarly where in the opinion of the Head Judge a rider with first priority places himself or herself in the take off zone to “sit on” the other riders and prevent them from catching a wave, that rider will also lose priority. Prior to losing priority a verbal warning will be issued to notify the rider with priority that they are close to turning over the priority. – The Head Judge may call priority interference individually, only if the majority of the judging panel does not see the incident. ISA Rule Book –1 December 2018 38 – In all cases where a dispute results from a malfunction of the priority system, the ISA Head Judge and Technical Director will arbitrate. It is always the surfers responsibility to continually check the priority system at all times for verification about allocation. – If a Surfer is not in the Competition Area when the heat starts and arrives late, the Surfer will be allocated the appropriate priority position as determined by the Priority Judge at the time when the Surfer reaches the Primary Take Off Zone.
3 & 4-Surfer Heat Interference Penalty – For priority situations when an interference is called on a Surfer, then the Surfer’s heat total will be calculated using only their best scoring wave. The second best scoring wave will be counted as a zero.
– For non-priority situations when an interference is called on a Surfer, the Surfer’s second best scoring wave will be halved. – When an interference is called on a Surfer while paddling to catch a wave or while riding a wave, the Ride will be scored zero. – Interference will be denoted by a triangle on the Judges sheet marking the surfer who is responsible for the interference with an arrow to the surfer who was hindered. – Any interfering Surfer must be penalized and once an interference decision is made, it is irrevocable (unless the interference is a consequence of incorrect official priority information). The Judges are directed not to enter into any discussion over the interference call. Any discussion must be directly with the ISA Head Judge, who has the option of discussing the situation or not. – The Surfer who is interfered with will be allowed an additional wave beyond their wave maximum, within the prescribed time limit. – EXCEPTION: where a double interference is called, neither Surfer gets an extra wave. An extra wave or heat delay as decided by the ISA Head Judge at the time will also apply to interference from water photographers, water security personnel or other outside interference. – Where any Surfer incurs two interferences they must immediately leave the Competition Area (Failure to do so will result in a penalty), furthermore: 1. If both interferences are in a non-priority situation, both scoring rides will be halved. 2. If one interference is in a non-priority situation and the other in a priority situation, one scoring ride will be halved and the other scored a zero according to the order of the interferences. 3. If both interferences are in a priority situation the Surfer will be disqualified from the heat. – If neither Surfer in an interference situation has established priority over the other Surfer involved, the penalty will be a non-priority interference (see b above) regardless of other Surfers in the heat (not involved in the interference situation) who hold priority or not, the Surfer’s second best scoring wave will be halved.
iii. Judging Scale and Categories: – The zero to ten point scoring system used by the ISA is broken up into the following categories: 0.1 – 1.9 Poor 2.0 – 3.9 Fair 4.0 – 5.9 Average 6.0 – 7.9 Good 8.0 – 10 Excellent – Judges should refer to this to establish accurate scores for the first wave exchanges. – Wave scoring is broken into one tenth increments i.e.: 0.1 – 10 (ten) Judges should try to remember all scoring waves so as to avoid judging higher as the heat continues. ISA Rule Book –1 December 2018 41 – The last wave exchanges should be judged based on the same criteria as the first wave exchanges .The first wave scored, sets the scale for the heat and should remain in the judge’s mind as the benchmark for that level of performance and wave comparisons. – Individual wave scores are what the judge should concentrate on and the final outcome of the heat should be based on scoring waves. – As no surfer rides any wave in the same way, judges should try hard to differentiate between all scoring waves. – Judges should not deliberate but should put a score down after the ride is completed. – During the heat, wave counts should be called as frequently as possible while the contestants are NOT riding. Repeat wave counts regularly. – Judges must avoid being influenced by the spectators, commentators or by
friendships and other outside influences and should have the confidence to stand by their decisions. – During the heat, opinions should not be shared with other judges.